


I did a quick google search for the “renounce being Jewish” quote.
Here’s what I found: Radio Islam (whatever the hell that is) has a
page that comments (favorably) on and quotes from The Holocaust
Industry .
On the page are some links to other Radio Islam pieces. One of them
is entitled “Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to
renounce being Jewish.” If you click the link, you find that the
quote is from some guy named Joachim Martillo, whose claim to fame is
that he’s the husband of someone named Karin Friedemann. Astounding.
Could not ask for better proof that this Charny guy is a complete

On December 27, 2008, Israel began one of the bloodiest attacks on Gaza Since 1948. The three week assault killed some 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. One year later, little to no rebuilding has taken place and the siege in Gaza continues.

Speaking in Watertown, Massachusetts on December 6, 2009, linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky delivered a talk entitled “Gaza: One Year Later.”

Thanks to Robbie Leppzer for filming this event.