November 12, 2006
In News
The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions is following the tragic
situation resulted from the continuous Israeli aggression on the
Palestinian territories in Gaza Strip and the West Bank
LO-Norway strongly condemns the ruthless war launched by Israeli
Military Forces on the Palestinian civilians which killed sixty two
Palestinians in Beit Hannon during the last 5 days, in the absence and
the silence of any reaction from the international .community
Israel continues its disproportionate and undiscriminating attack in
violation of international humanitarian, law causing further killing
of and 18 injured more than of 45 innocent, civilians most of them are
school children and women in Gaza and another 5 in Jenin area in the
West Bank early today the 8th of November in addition to the human
loss of destruction of civilian properties and public infrastructure
LO Norway urges the Norwegian Government to put immediate pressure on
Israel to stop this daily aggression against the Palestinian people
LO-Norway call upon all international trade ,unions labour
organizations and other civil society organizations to take urgent
action by requesting their governments intervention to stop the dirty
war and continuous massacres against the Palestinians civilians and to
lift the closures imposed on the Palestinian territories to enable
Palestinians to develop and improve their national economy to be able
to meet the people needs from opportunities for jobs and income
LO-Norway call upon the Israeli ,Government especially the War
Minister Amir Peretz who gave the orders to his army to stop their
crimes of bloodshed of the civilians and to be integrated in real
peace negotiation with the elected Palestinian leaders to reach to
:fair peace Peace based on the International law and Security Council
Resolutions that enables the Palestinian to live in peace in their
independent state on all territories occupied in 1967 aside the state
of Israel.