
UCPress emails Finkelstein that Beyond Chutzpah is "Ready to roll!"

July 21, 2005

In Letters To Finkelstein

—– Original Message —–
From: Marilyn
To: normangf[at]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:08 PM
Subject: Ready to roll!

Norm, just wanted to assure you that I saw “soft proofs” (aka
“virtual bluelines”) today. These are the printer-prepped version of
the files posted on their secure website for inspection. I checked
every page against my hard copy. I gave special attention to all
pages that were corrected after we sent the files to Sheridan,
double-checking that the final, corrected versions were in place and
that reflow didn’t introduce any errors. Everything seems in order
(PHEW!), and so I have given the okay to print.

Okay, I’m going home to relax now, and I hope you can too. (I’ve been
told I should take up yoga.)


University of California Press, Berkeley

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