January 30, 2024
In Gaza ICJ
Behind the contrived hysteria at UNRWA lurks Western fury at the ICJ decision;
If Israel is plausibly guilty of genocide, then the “enlightened” West stands guilty of complicity in genocide;
They can’t lash out at the ICJ—that’s uncivilized!—so these cowardly sadists starve the children of Gaza instead.
The puke beneath the thin veneer of Western Civilization has yet again burst forth.
But rational hope springs eternal:
South Africa’s sublime delegation at the ICJ;
The foreign doctors who volunteered on a suicide mission to serve in Gaza’s inferno;
The Gazan journalists who dared Fate by reporting the Truth as Israeli snipers methodically shot them dead;
And the Houthis!, who don’t stop their ears and blind their eyes to the agonized cries in Gaza, but—moved by the natural faculty of pity, and lacking the gift of “reason” to rationalize away this pity—have instead thrown down the gauntlet to the barbarous West: No business as usual—No commerce, No trade—while Gaza is crucified!
“Men would never have been anything but monsters, if nature had not given them pity to aid their reason.” (Rousseau)