
Notice How Nervous Flannery Gets and How He Then Throws in That He Too Supports Israel (Academics are such pitiful cowards)

March 19, 2017

In Blog News

CNN Panel Melts Down Over Travel Ban: ‘I Never Want to Be on the Show With This Bigot Again’


Things got very ugly on CNN Tonight Wednesday, as host Don Lemon attempted to moderate a panel on President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban against six majority-Muslim countries. A revised version of the ban was stayed by a federal judge in Hawaii that same night.

Things broke down early after former federal prosecutor John Flannery accused Harvard Law School’s Alan Dershowitz of supporting the ban because he thought it would be good for Israel.

“Our dear colleague, Alan Dershowitz, I think, hopes that this may secure Israel,” said Flannery

“What are you talking about?” Dershowitz interrupted.

“I think it’s a powerful argument that we’ve established religion in this fashion through this ban that is transparently against Muslims,” Flannery continued.

“You’re lying through your teeth,” Dershowitz growled. “I never said a word about Israel. When you focus on everything I say about Israel it really raises questions about your own bigotry and biases, so let’s get to the point and just keep your mouth shut.”

Dershowitz then launched into his explanation of why he believed that while the ban was “bad policy,” it was constitutional. After a bit of legal back-and-fourth, things came back to Israel

“What does this have to do with Israel?” Dershowitz snapped again. “Why in your bigoted background do you have to bring in Israel to attack me? Your bigotry is showing.”

“I believe that’s the reason you’re taking the position you are,” said Flannery sparking a paroxysm from Dershowitz.

“You can’t believe anything I say because I’m a Jew and a Zionist?” he asked. “For shame on you sir. I never want to be on the show with this bigot again!”

[image via screengrab]

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