
Holy Toledo!

March 13, 2016

In News

Oh yeah! This news was a great way to start the morning. Here’s the latest poll out of Illinois, the second largest state voting on Tuesday:

CBS News – Illinois – 3/13
Bernie Sanders: 48%
Hillary Clinton: 46%

You read that right. After polls showing us down 19, 42, and 37 points in Illinois over the last few weeks, the latest one has our political revolution in the lead. We have the momentum, big time. But Bernie needs his supporters to keep contributing if we’re going to be able to fight back against the millionaires and billionaires spending BIG TIME to stop us.

Make another $100 contribution today to help us reach our goal of 150,000 contributions by tomorrow at midnight. If we hit that mark, we’re going to do very, very well on Tuesday night.

If every single person who has contributed to our campaign made one more donation today, we would be absolutely unstoppable on Tuesday night and in the states that follow.

Thank you for standing with Bernie.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016