December 6, 2020
In News Uncategorized
Compiled and annotated by Yutaka Yokoyama
November 16, 2020
Noam Chomsky to Haaretz (November 16, 2020):
“The concept of being white is not a race concept, but rather sociological. If you go back, not very far, Jews were not considered white. Neither were the Irish. … They gradually became white as they assimilated into the culture ….”
Aviva Chomsky to Bitter Lake podcast (August 2, 2020):
“No, the Irish were white. They were European. There was no question about that. … They were always white. Once the category of white became legally defined, there was no question that the Irish belonged to it. … So that’s really important to remember. Because some people use that- oh but we’re all immigrants and immigrants were always discriminated against. Yes, but white immigrants were not discriminated against in the way people of color were discriminated against. … [T]he Irish were never excluded from immigration and citizenship. But who was excluded from that new naturalization law, were Chinese and Mexican migrants who were not considered white. Chinese and Mexican migrants were excluded from naturalization on racial grounds.”
Scripps Institution of Oceanography:
November 16, 2020, CO2 412.34 ppm
November 16, 2019, CO2 410.01 ppm
November 16, 2018, CO2 409.88 ppm
November 16, 2017, CO2 405.55 ppm
November 16, 2016, CO2 404.53 ppm
November 16, 2015, CO2 400.35 ppm
November 16, 2014, CO2 397.31 ppm
November 16, 2013, CO2 394.64 ppm
November 16, 2012, CO2 393.84 ppm
November 16, 2011, CO2 390.39 ppm
November 16, 2010, CO2 388.28 ppm
November 16, 2000, CO2 369.10 ppm
November 16, 1992, CO2 353.64 ppm (year of UNFCCC)
November 16, 1990, CO2 353.08 ppm
November 16, 1980, CO2 336.98 ppm
November 16, 1960, CO2 314.93 ppm
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