
Egyptian Military Joins Israeli Battle against Terrorism (thanks Jamie)

September 3, 2013

In Blog

Egypt destroys homes for buffer zone

2013-09-01 17:00

(Photo: file, AFP)(Photo: file, AFP)


Cairo – Egyptian security officials and residents say the military has demolished 13 homes along the Gaza Strip border for the possible creation of a buffer zone they hope will reduce weapons smuggling and illegal crossings by militants.

Northern Sinai government officials said on Sunday that the military envisioned creating a house-free zone with no trees 500m wide and 10km long starting at the Rafah border crossing.

The officials said the homes with tunnels underneath them were bulldozed over the last 10 days as a test of the idea.

The Egyptian military has closed much of the once-bustling tunnel system, but some remain at the 15km stretch of border.