
December 2017: Norman Finkelstein in Australia

November 7, 2017

In Blog News Speaking Engagements


The Clash is a platform that facilitates critical discussions on current issues within Australia and international affairs. Australian Muslim Youth (AMY) will be hosting Dr. Norman Finkelstein, along side with two opposing panelists to discuss the long running Israel – Palestine conflict.

The event will begin with opening statements from all panellists regarding their views on the topic. The moderator will then facilitate discussion between the panelists on topics focusing on Israeli-settlements, a two-state solution and Australia’s role in mending the conflict.

The night will end with a Q & A session, with questions being taken from the floor. Platinum ticket holders will then have the opportunity to meet and greet Dr. Finkelstein and have their books signed.

For any further enquiries please fill in the contact form below or email ‘

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Australia 2