
A Trinity College Alumnus Speaks!

February 3, 2019

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Dear Dr Finkelstein,

It was not that long ago that I attended a lecture you gave in Dublin, at the invitation of the UCD philosophical society. Even though you were under the weather at the time, you nevertheless gave a stimulating talk. It was very well attended. UCD is my old Alma Mater where I qualified in 1974 so I was quite proud to be present on that occasion.The following evening you were invited by the Phil to give a talk at Trinity College. I would like to have attended there also but was unfortunately unable to do so.
Needless to say I am embarrassed that an Irish Institution, like Trinity College, could have treated you so badly.It reminds me of a similar incident when Pittsburg University behaved in a similar fashion.That fiasco had the stench of corruption then, just like this current situation.
I note, however, that several so called “distinguished people” under the heading Distinguished Lecture series, have given lectures at the same establishment in the past, including the likes of,
                                              Henry Kissinger,
                                              Dick Cheney,
                                              Benjamin Netanyahu,
                                              Madeleine Albright,
                                and       Mario Cuomo,
and I thought, maybe under the circumstances,  Its you that should be boycotting Trinity College.
Needless to say, I have a huge admiration for your scholarship. May you continue the tremendous work you began many years ago on behalf of the Palestinian people.
Slan agus Beannacht,