

Live from Obama-Nation: What happens when the people awake

September 28, 2011

In News Video

"Stuff your money in your mattress and double-bolt your door": How to prepare for the coming crash

September 27, 2011

In News Video

Demanding a Job in Obama-Nation (Abomi-Nation)

September 25, 2011

In News Video

MAY HE REST IN PEACE. (It's notable that no one even expected Obama to say, let alone do, something.)

September 23, 2011

In News Video

Did Elie Wiesel get a face lift?

February 5, 2011

In Video

Aren't the kids just precious?

January 9, 2011

In News Video

Elie Wiesel School of Higher Education

January 5, 2011

In News Video

Zurich wishes Palestine a Merry Christmas

December 30, 2010

In Video

How can this injustice be?

December 26, 2010

In News Video

How to get over the rainbow

December 24, 2010

In News Video

Scottie, Beam me up, NOW!

December 3, 2010

In News Video


November 22, 2010

In Video

Skateboarders Unite!

September 21, 2010

In News Video

The one and only LOWKEY!

September 20, 2010

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

In Memory of Comrade Irwin – and the hopes, ever renascent, ever resurgent, for a more just tomorrow (performed by his partner Barbara Dane)

September 17, 2010

In Video

In memory of Comrade Irwin: "Hold On," performed by his wife Barbara Dane

September 13, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Victims of savagery: In memory of September 11

September 13, 2010

In News Video

Hunger Strike

September 10, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Nasrallah's Latest Speech

September 8, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

One of the most thrilling moments of my youth

September 8, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

More comic relief

September 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Comic Relief

September 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


August 31, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

The one and only Jody McIntyre

August 19, 2010

In News Video

The ultimate mission: Join real-life Nazis as they starve Jews in Warsaw. Help a Nazi shove an elderly Jew into an oven. Set fire to a crematorium and watch the ashes of a Jewish newborn come out the chimney. Then travel with the Wehrmacht to the Russian front and watch the Nazis exterminate Slavs. (And I do so hope, sincerely and truly, that when these tourists look out over a Hezbollah position, a Party of God missile dispatches them to their Maker.)

August 14, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Israel is trying to block this video; forward it to everyone you know

August 14, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

I found this deeply moving:

August 12, 2010

In News Video

May each and every one of these Israeli Nazis burn in hell

August 12, 2010

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Guess whom I am touring with next?

July 22, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


July 22, 2010

In News Video

You decide!

July 20, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Song of the Day from old friend and comrade Barbara Dane

July 13, 2010

In News Video

Why am I not surprised?

July 10, 2010

In News Video

To the people of Palestine: EVERYONE'S GOT A RIGHT TO LIVE

July 7, 2010

In Video

Definitely worth watching; take the time

July 7, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

I prefer "Deutschland Uber Alles"

July 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

From Bilin

July 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Song of The Day

June 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Israel Foreign Ministry now translating in real time

June 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Rare footage of Bibi and Barak after 1972 commando raid:

June 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Dershowitz is at 1:52

June 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Must Watch!

June 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

A daring Freudian probe uncovers Mark Regev's id in real time.

June 24, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


June 23, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Nothing on Jews

June 6, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

I am shocked! shocked!

June 6, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

We Shall Overcome

June 6, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Toronto Protest Video

June 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Finkelstein on the Flotilla massacre

June 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

"…and the winner of the Ilse Koch award is…."

June 1, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

If 5,000 of us did this in front of the Israeli consulate, they wouldn't know what to do

May 9, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

MESCHUGGE WATCH — Guess who said: A) "Israel has saved more Muslim and Arab lives than all of the Arab and Muslim countries combined"; B) "Israel has taught the world how to fight wars against terrorism ethically and with concern for avoiding civilian casualties"; C) "Israel should be so proud and appreciative of Israel"; D) "Compare Israel to other countries that started with the revolutions or simply grabbing a land of other people, [while] Israel paid for every inch of its land, paid for it by money and paid for it by the blood of its children." For answer go to:

May 4, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Song of the Day

April 25, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

The two and only…

April 25, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Finkelstein on Gaza and Goldstone (Finnish subtitles)

April 1, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Finkelstein interview with Arab media

March 31, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

A warm welcome to Shadia Mansour, the First Lady of Arab Hip-Hop

March 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

The one and only LOWKEY

March 27, 2010

In News Video

Homeless man arrested at AIPAC convention after walking on stage wearing loin cloth of Israeli flag and singing Hatikvah bent over with his head between his legs

March 24, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Greece on Palestine

March 22, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Is it only me that's beginning to think that country is a real basket-case?

March 20, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

The one and only Allan Nairn

March 20, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Painful Truth

March 19, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Love is Blue

March 14, 2010

In Video

Norman Finkelstein in Prag

March 13, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Gaza Graffiti

March 11, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Finkelstein in Prague

March 4, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Finkelstein in the Czech Republic

February 27, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

It's so wrong

February 25, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Unusually accurate and informative report

February 19, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Incredibly Moving

February 18, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Times's Isabel Kershner wins Pulitzer for her story on how her hairdryer short-circuited at her beautician's salon in Sderot

February 18, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Ariel Sharon's press secretary and Finkelstein agree: "Israel is not a normal state"

February 18, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Settlement Freeze, Israeli-style

February 17, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


February 8, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


February 7, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Peace be Unto Them

February 4, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

A giant among thinkers sheds light on how a region has plagued the region for centuries and decades

February 3, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


January 28, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


January 27, 2010

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

SONG OF THE DAY: "We will not leave our village".

January 20, 2010

In News Video

Haiti like Gaza

January 20, 2010

In News Video

A Classic

January 8, 2010

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

The great, the one and the only Allan Nairn

January 7, 2010

In News Video

Chomsky on Gaza Aftermath

January 5, 2010

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Mourn, then ORGANIZE!

January 3, 2010

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

GAZA SHALL NOT DIE (Houston Protest)!

December 29, 2009

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


December 29, 2009

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


December 29, 2009

In News Video

IDF on the "Purity of Arms"

December 28, 2009

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Vandal army

December 28, 2009

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video


December 28, 2009

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

SONG OF THE DAY (When Greece was great and hope sprang eternal)

December 28, 2009

In Video


December 27, 2009

In Video

Song of the Day (from an era of real hope)

December 21, 2009

In Video


November 21, 2009

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

"Based on my experience, I can tell you this: Israelis are the best-paying Johns in the world, and they treated me like a real Lady."

November 21, 2009

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Adam Holm Interview

November 17, 2009

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

Fuck Abbas. Fuck the Palestinian Authority. Long live the people of Palestine!

November 11, 2009

In The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video

In praise of the people of Nilin

November 7, 2009

In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict Video