It seems your “revolutionary” “socialists” discovered today that Tamaroud are fascists:
Tamroud, the young face of fascism
These Tweeting revolutionaries also no longer seem so cool on the military coup. But, lest we forget, here’s what your “comrades” had to say right after the coup:
You’ll perhaps excuse me if I trust my own judgment to that of your Egyptian “comrades.”
Here’s some more expert analyses from your “comrades” today:
Oh god now MB call for “a week of nationwide marches”..a week of rage = a week of blood = a week of failure ..i am so tired of this
(One thousand protesters dead, thousands wounded, and she’s “so tired of this”.)
Egyptian TV will bring me a heart attack!
(Poor, suffering revolutionary socialists! In case she didn’t notice,1,000 Egyptians are well past a heart attack, as they yet continue to brave the Army’s bullets and court certain death, while she tweets away)
After German Social-Democracy betrayed its basic principles by voting for war credits at the start of World War I, Rosa Luxemburg memorably said:
“Since August 4, 1914, German Social-Democracy has been a stinking corpse”
To which it might now be added,
“Since July 2, 2013, secular radicalism has been a stinking corpse.”