January 10, 2024
In News
“You have to understand. I was a lieutenant in the Israeli Air Force. I used to bomb Gaza. You know, killing Arabs, it’s our national pastime. Like baseball. And then, when I was writing my dissertation at MIT, I heard these chants outside my jacuzzi, “From the river to the sea,/Palestine will be free!” I got these flashbacks to my bombing missions. I was terrified. It was, like, PTSD. It was, like, they wanted to kill me just because I’m Jewish. I got all confused and confounded. I thought I was on the MIT webpage. But it was the Wikipedia page on how to make latkes out of feces. (I specialize in ‘material ecology.’) How was I to know the difference?” As Neri broke down in tears, her husband, William Ackman, took out his AI Plagiarism Detector and pointed the beam at Joy Behar’s notecards. #YouToo(Plagiarize)