November 9, 2006
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Reader Letters (latest on top) NEW! From: “John Orvis” johnorvis[at] Prof. Dershowitz, In regards to your campaign to defame Norman Finkelstein, it should be noted that at no time during the debate were you personally impugned. That is not to say that your credibility and your lack of scholarly credentials were not put into question–they were, and rightly so. But no one ever took anything you said out of context as you did so willingly with the texts of Finkelstein’s (in particular I’m referring to what you wrote about his mother, or questioning his mental stability or yada yada). And of all of the letters that have been written to you by concerned individuals and posted on Norman Finkelstein’s website, I have found all of them to be far more thoughtful, humane, and concerned with THE FACTS than you have been. So that is why I write you with some regret and hesitation. After all, why are you deserving of coherent criticism given your unwillingness to afford your interlocutors the same privilege? But I feel compelled to do so if only to let you know that at least one more person sees through your deceptive tactics and finds your actions deplorable—that is your willing misrepresentation of your opponents’ ideas, and the fraudulent accusations you level against them when the facts won’t permit you to speak. I’ve watched you debate and I’ve seen your limited scope of tricks. You like to change the subject a lot. Though you constantly cry out that your opponent is making an ad hominem argument, ironically the one in the room that is doing so is you. After all, what is calling your opponent’s work a “screed”? So your opponent’s works are boring? Never mind the fact that this is a diversionary tactic on your part to shift debate from the actual academic misconduct, which lies squarely in your works. But is “screed” really the best you can do? Boring and long? Does that say anything about the real question–in this case whether or not their arguments are sound? Whether or not they cite authoritative sources? And no, is not an appropriate source for something concerning casualty figures. Just two years ago, during my undergrad years as a political science major, it never would’ve occurred to me to attempt something so ridiculous and outside the norms of academic conduct. And the TA’s would’ve admonished me for trying. You can prevaricate on the illegitimacy of the sources you cite Mr. Dershowitz. You can keep changing the subject, but reasonable people understand what you’re doing. When you start yelling “self-hating-Jew” or “he thinks his mother is a kapo,” people know that you can no longer challenge your opponent on the facts. -John Orvis On 7/13/07, Alan Dershowitz wrote: Have u seen the cartoon f arranged for a holocaust denying cartoonist to draw of me to illustrate his accusation that I was a “moral pervert”. It showed me masterbating to dead lebanese civilians. No ad hominim? Are u blind? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: “John Orvis” johnorvis[at] Prof. Dershowitz, First the issue of whether or not Finkelstein had a hand in or is tacitly responsible for the cartoons. This I can’t know, and won’t comment on. Cartoons tell stories in metaphor. Though the cartoon is a depiction of you masturbating to dying civilians, it’s not literal. And when paired with the article Finkelstein wrote, “Should Alan Dershowitz Target Himself for Assassination?” the message the cartoon tries to convey is quite clear: That you, Alan Dershowitz, think that Israel’s use of force should be praised because of their “extraordinary steps to minimize civilian casualties.” It also becomes clear that you believe Israel is the exception to the rule on when to use force and how much force to use. That’s the message of the Latuff cartoon and you know it. If that’s contrary to your position, say so, but don’t call the artist a “neo-nazi.” Finkelstein goes on in the article to cite your book Preemption, where he attempts to refute claims about how you think the old standards of international law don’t apply, and that Israel’s attack on Egypt in 1967 was a paradigmatic example of the use of force. And this continues. You made the claims. And it’s certainly not the schema you followed in your response originally published in FrontPageMag. If we look at your response to the letter, we see that you sidestep all of Finkelstein’s claims. And you immediately grasp hold of the cartoon and the title of the article (obviously not a call for your assassination. It’s merely a reductio ad absurdum of your argument that allows targeted assassinations of Palestinians who incite violence. And yes, that means Finkelstein is accusing you of inciting more violence by condoning past and future Israeli aggression. You apply to yourself the same standards you apply to others. That’s the thrust of the title, and I think you know that too.(The explanation of the title lies in Finkelstein’s final paragraph of the article and is worth posting at the end of this e-mail)). And then you start in with the pre-ambulatory name-calling: “when the notorious Jewish anti-Semite and Holocaust-justice denier Norman Finkelstein wrote a screed suggesting that I be targeted ‘for assassination’ because of my views on Israel.” (my emphasis) There’s that ‘screed’ word again… The message of the cartoon was fairly obvious and not slanderous. Respectfully, Original article that was paired with cartoon “Should Alan Dershowitz Target Himself for Assassination?”: Original cartoon (now paired with Mr. Dershowitz’s response letter to the cartoon and article): Final paragraph of “Sould Alan Dershowitz Target Himself for Assassination”: On 7/13/07, Alan Dershowitz wrote: How could the ad hominum cartoon have appeared simultanously with the ad h article unless they were coordinated? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: “John Orvis” johnorvis[at] Prof. Dershowitz, Are you prepared to give me that as your strongest defense of the long list of legitimate criticisms of your work, and of your academic credentials? I’m sitting here, and I’ve given you all the information you or anyone needs to know about how your work is shoddy and your conclusions are ill drawn. Your arguments have horrible consequences for all the people in Israel and the occupied territories, and I might add, with terrible consequences for those of us in the United States who have to see you’re illogical and double standard ideas be treated with reverence in the mainstream press. And you’re still talking about a cartoon. International law isn’t a game, sir. It’s not like being a trial lawyer, sir. You can’t “win” by slight of hand. The goal of it is not to fool the jury into believing you (nice work on the OJ case, btw). You must hold yourself to the same standards you hold to others when you’re involved in international law. International law doesn’t make exceptions for you’re your friends or Israel. Saying, the old rules of international law don’t apply anymore, doesn’t make it true. It doesn’t make it true because you sit at Harvard. And it doesn’t make it true if opportunists in government start assuming they can sponsor as much violence from the Israeli government as they want because they have stooges like you sitting around at the most revered Universities willingly throwing around the most vile kind of apologetics for Israeli state run terror. And when people dissent, you throw around ‘anti-Semitism’ because you know no one will want to touch an issue with someone screaming something like that. So no one dares speak ill of Israel. Do you understand? You should talk to people about that. They’d like to know if you know that you’re a stooge. You’re the perfect stooge for any government official who wants to advance any cause–regarding Israel’s continual occupation or any legal issue by using your twisted logic. You’re a self-proclaimed ‘liberal.’ That’s a good start. And you happen to be one of the most influential apologists for Israeli terror. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. You get to be both a supporter for the policies that have resulted in a 40 year old occupation, but you also get to restrict the spectrum of debate by claiming anyone ‘left’ of you must be a wacko. So the acceptable position on the ‘left’ is to allow one state to rule over an impoverished and terrorized populace for 40 years. When people press you on matters considering your inability to faithfully report casualty figures from a war, or from within the occupied territories, you’d better respond to them with something better than “a man he knows drew a picture of me masturbating.” You have a responsibility, sir, to hold truth above all else. You’re a Professor of Law at Harvard University… you know… like a place that’s not really supposed to have people sitting in its halls that spew nonsense, and when pressed to defend their untenable ideas, seek to destroy the reputation of their dissenters by calling them ‘anti-Semites’ and ‘mentally unstable’ and writers of ‘screeds.’ Cheers, From: Shankar Ramamoorthy It is reputably reported that Alan Dershowitz (a lawyer as As a U.S. citizen, a Californian, and a UC alumnus I request Sincerely, From: “Shankar Ramamoorthy” Mr. Dershowitz: Despite public statements to the contrary, it appears that you I hope you will not jump to the unwarranted conclusion that I Please don’t say that your release is based on his release of Sincerely, From: “Shankar Ramamoorthy” Sir: Sincerely, On 3/26/07, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: I will as soon as f does. Please don’t write me till then Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless On 3/26/07, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: F was invited to speak at the iranian holocaust denial Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: “Shankar Ramamoorthy” Sir: This is not about Finkelstein: its about YOU and whether YOU as a As I understand your response, you wish to allege or imply that Your and your lawyers correspondence to the UC Press and Gov. Shankar Ramamoorthy On 3/29/07, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: I can’t wait to see you laughed 0out of court. Please0stop writing Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: “Shankar Ramamoorthy” Sir: You of course are a lawyer and I am not. Perhaps you are right and Thanks for the correspondence. It has been most entertaining and Sincerely, From: evasmagacz[at] Dear Sir, I have been unable to find these letters. As I am striving to make my own mind about the controversy I will be extremely gratefull if you were to direct me to the place that these can be sighted. I am aware that you released them (as per your column on 11/08/06 in Jerusalem Post). Regards Eva Smagacz From: jamesgeddesmd[at] Dear Alan Dershowitz. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is this; I am afraid that you have been consumed by the spirit of lies and deceit. Also, I find your nemesis Dr. Finkelstein to be a true righteous jew, whom I, as a strict Catholic, can be proud of. The good news is that God loves you very much, and I certainly promise to pray for you, whether you want it or not! James Geddes M.D., Kingsvilee,Texas Dear Sirs: I have followed Mr. Dershowitz on TV and have read Professor Dershowitz, you walk the walk! The I became aware of this issue of dispute (about the I also already knew about the cartoon issue, or the Here is a plea. Mr. Finkelstein: I do not think that Prof. Dershowitz But Mr. Dershowitz, the better man has a HIGHER The VICTIMS are watching, begging from the grave, that Mr. Finkelstein has, with his work and his comments Like Mark Fuhrman who lost all credibility when he Mr. Finkelstein has attacked Joan Peters’ book, and Just as I believe that Benjamin Netanyahu would never But those who are not scholars – and have to trust If you were to release the letters/notes Prof. You, in an ego-centric way, Prof. Dershowitz may want IF THIS WAS POLAND IN THE 30’S OR ISRAEL IN THE 40’S, BUT in DEMANDING a QUID PRO QUO on DISCLOSURE, YOU No matter what you can say, what arguments you can Put in a way a lawyer can understand: imagine if If you do not do this (disclose), I will be forced to TO do otherwise is pure SELFISHNESS. Nothing YOU can say about “fairness to YOU” or “wrongs I can not think you will not be moved by this plea! But for G-d sake, Prof. Dershowitz please release the My. Finkelstein, please do not publish my name or my From: ediethomas88[at] Dear Dean Kagan I am extremely disappointed to read a slanderous attack on the late mother of Norman Finkelstein on Alan Dershowitz’s section of the Harvard website. It seems like a repellently low method to counter Prof Finkelstein’s scrupulous demolition of Prof Dershowitz’s fraudulent histories of Palestine. You would be doing yourself, your university and even Prof Dershowitz a favour if you got rid of it. Yours Eddie Thomas From: kons_s1948[at] Mr. Arse-show-it (you truly earned this title and I was referring to “…show-it” as show the letter), First let me describe your brain which is obviously a mystery to god himself which is why your brain obviously is the eighth wonder of the world. Enough chit chat, I will get to the letter in a minute, lets get to the business, that is your brain. I have noticed the following interesting phenomenon about you. You usually pull one of the following tricks. BEWARE OF DERSHOWITZ TRICKS Dershowitz phenomenon #1 -When you lie, you say that in a way like it is very obvious the statement you are saying is true. So the naive and general public will not bother to investigate and trust you. Dershowitz phenomenon #2 -When someone is just about to hit you with hard facts, you quickly and Dershowitz phenomenon #3 -Whenever you got caught with lies, you conviniently and quite brilliantly make up a ‘story’ in order to suit your need to counter attack. So in a sense, you are lying more in order to defend the original lie. Dershowitz phenonmenon #4 -Whenever you got caught with lies, you move into a completely different topic in order to mis-direct the people. In this way, you are letting other think that you are answering the question but really you are not answering at all. Dershowitz phenomenon #5 -Whenever you are hit with hard facts, you interrupt and not letting them finnish, so it is very difficult for general public to understand what is actually Dershowitz phenonmenon #6 -When you debate, your mentality always is how can I make a ‘wrong’ statement into a ‘right’ statement. If its just wrong to your eye, you should admit and acknowledge that it is wrong but you DONT and obviously counter attack in a way so it sounds obvious to people. Am I good at this or what? You see, not only I can read your mind, but I know how your brain works. Can I get a chance in Harvard, although I have got plenty of degrees of my own. I guarantee you, those points came from my head, and I didn’t stole that idea from anybody. Promise! PS: All these phenomenons can be found in (Finkelstein / Arse-show-it) debate and (Chomsky / Arse-show-it) ———- Now lets get to more lies and deception. 1-you obviously lied you released the letter. So please can I see them? I promise I wont tell anybody. I will send Mr. Finkelstein a letter not to show that letter in public. deal? fair? yes? no? maybe? Guess which fingers I am holding. I will give you the answer a little later. 2-I see you also make irrational comments about Mr. Finkelstein’s family. Now you crossed the line. I am not joking now, actually very serious. When you say something to others, try to put yourself in their shoes. If you feel pain, then shut it, that is your mouth, you got a big one. The answer of which fingers I was holding..hmm…that would be the Peace sign. remember I wrote fingerS not finger. Scared you, didn’t I? Have a great day and be good. Hey, what I usually dont write like this, but you really made me. I guess the feelings are mutual then. you start to be shrewd, equally we will be shrewd. If you want to play hard way equally we will be playing it hard way. But we are ready to deal with you easy way, its your choice. PS: you got owned in both of the debate. Go learn some skill. All I know you are going straight to hell. While you are going to hell, take Sharon and Bush with you. That way, we got two less fakers to deal with. Mr. Dershowitiz I find it rather curious that you would refer to me as Gary Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: Don’t count on it. He is respected only by bigots Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless Mr. Dershowitz I am well acquainted with the writings of Professor Gary Keenan Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: Finkelstein is a collaborator with neonazis and holocaust deniers. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless Greetings all Watch this priceless video. Professor Finkelstein… Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 18:51:12 Mr. Dershowitz: I understand from the article below that you wish to prevent Norman… As I understand it, Finkelstein claims that at your behest, your However your article linked above reveals quite clearly that you Any clarification would be appreciated. Sincerely, Mark Klein From: dersh[at] Wrong. I have no objection to f or david duke speaking anywhere. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: tfrydel[at] Dear Mr. Dershowitz: I am writing as someone who has not fully formed their political views on the Palestine/Israel conflict, as well as larger questions concerning terrorism in the Middle East. I regularly read articles and interviews by people such as yourself, Benny Morris, Norman Finkelstein, and others in order to get a sense of the full spectrum of opinions on the subject. It seems imperative that you release the correspondence between the publishers and others so that people who, like myself, are to a large degree on the fence about the issues, are able to honestly see the facts and draw their own conclusions. Sincerely, From: CEJPRINCE[at] To Prof. Norman Finkelstein: Several weeks ago the little blurb below was posted on your web site in which Alan Dershowitz says he wrote to the publishers of your book, Beyond Chutzpah, that he had no intention to “suppress Finkelstein’s freedom of expression”. I guess that means he did not intend to prevent publication of your book. We don’t have the whole letter. I wonder why he wrote the publisher at all. However, a suggestion was then posted on your web site that one might ask Mr.Dershowitz for a copy of the letter, since he had said that it was “released”, implying that restrictions of privacy had been lifted. In a Jerusalem Post column attacking Ben-Gurion University professor Neve Gordon, Alan Dershowitz wrote this: A case in point is Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University , who has defamed so many people, as well as the nation of Israel . He also recently defamed me by saying that I had tried to prevent the publication of Norman Finkelstein’s latest anti-Zionist screed, Beyond Chutzpah. In fact, as I specifically wrote in my letters to Finkelstein’s publishers – as Gordon knew, because I released the letters – “I have no interest in censoring or suppressing Finkelstein’s freedom of expression.” ( 8 November 2006) I decided to ask to see the letters to the publisher and Gov. Schwarzenegger of California and on 11/15/06 received a very polite automated reply that my e-mail had been received and would be answered forthwith. Later that same day a reply came from Mr.Dershowitz, I assume, the exchange of which is posted here: From: CEJPRINCE[at] Professor Dershowitz: It should be a simple matter to send copies of the letters you refer to so I would like to request the same be sent to me at the e-mail address cejprince[-at]aol(dot]com. Thank you. C.E. Prince From:dersh[at] Why don’t u ask finkelstein for his correspondance with the neonazi latoof. If he releases his I will release mine. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless The reply was obviously written by a busy man. I felt that he was bringing up an unrelated matter which I could look into sometime in the future and did not see why he should attach a condition to already-released letters. I felt some reluctance on his part to cooperate. So I wrote back and the following exchange took place: From: CEJPRINCE[at] Dr. Dershowitz: No, I am not asking about unreleased letters. I’m asking for copies of letters you say you have already released. This should not call for a tit-for-tat. Jack Prince From:dersh[at] Why should I do your research. Are u not interested in finkelsteins correspondence with his neonazi cartoonist? Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless and to this led to the next exchange: From: CEJPRINCE[at] No, not interested in that – just already-released letters of yours. Prince From:dersh[at] Now I understand your values. Please stop emailing me. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless SO, at this point the back-and-forth ended. Mr. Dershowitz implies that he will release the already-released letters to me only upon conditions. To me, this does not sound like any letters have really been released, but I guess one could suddenly decide to withdraw letters formerly public if one wishes to, just as the government of recent date had reclassified formerly declassified documents. If that is the case, it would be only considerate of Mr.Dershowitz to say that is what he is doing. Right now, I can’t help but wonder about the content of the letters. I thought you would be interested in all this. I’m sorry that it is so old, but Christmas season’s demands and trips interfered with getting this together all in one spot. Jack Prince From: kaymart33[at] Hi Prof. Just want to thank you for highlighting the talent of Latuff, an Regards From: dersh[at] I don’t correspond with bigots Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: coaster132000[at] Professor Dershowitz, I too write to ask you to release the correspondence Despite the heavy duties incident to occupying the I have not yet read Mr. Finkelstein’s book, but I’ve The book is a complete failure as context for American Most of us affirm our obligation to defend Israel’s It is clear that while American and Israeli interests I am concerned with what I see as a self-destructive It is time to tell the Israelis that the perpetual Hunter Watson, To: coaster132000[at] You haven’t read my book you’re a liar. If perchance you did read it you’re an idiot because it doesn’t Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless0 Professor Finkelstein, How easy it is to assume the mantle of liar, idiot and bigot now days. I certainly did read The Case for Israel though it was about two years ago. I am not an academic but I am quite widely read in international relations and European history. Because of that I remember the book well enough. In fact I read it at the suggestion of Dr. Werner Cohn and wrote him a letter about it a that time. Best, From: bubblesperson[at] Professor Dershowitz Re: Request for publication of your letters to the publishers of Please see here below our letter sent to Dean Kagan, Harvard In particular your slanderous, worse than despicable comment on We also ask you, as per the letter to Dean Kagan above, to finally We also informed Dean Kagan of just how outrageous we think your Lastly, we also would like to make clear that our comment to Dean As a matter of fact, the only difference which we can see between It goes without saying who is the better human being here – and no We must re-iterate our requests – delete and apologise for the Yours sincerely Kate W.Trenkel Dear Dean Kagan It is with much regret that we see ourselves forced to write to you To prevent the reputation and good name of your institution being As you are no doubt aware, Prof. Dershowitz has been conducting what We specifically refer to three instances of Prof.Dershowitz’s 1) His utterly baseless claim that Professor Norman Finkelstein’s We are unable to express fully how seriously shocking this cheap, 2) We further would like to bring to your attention the sorry We would appreciate it if you could ask Prof. Dershowitz to now All of these contradictory claims can only lead one to the 3) Lastly, Prof. Dershowitz has engaged in contacting fellow Naturally, the private and unasked for opinion of some other We find it extraordinary that such willful meddling in matters so We thank you for giving our letter your due consideration, and look Yours sincerely From: justinloper[at] Dear Prof. Dershowitz, I am writing in an attempt to sway you to worrry about your legacy. In If you don’t release these letters from your lawyers you will be Take the high ground, release the letters proving to everyone that you are the champion of the first amendment that you claim to be. Otherwise, fifty years from now you may only be known as the guy who got O.J. off and as a Do what is right, this isn’t a question of fairness From: bwilliams[at] Hello Professor Dershowitz, I have recently started to study the conflict in the Middle East. As you know, it is very hard to find the truth” in circumstances where there is so much passionate disagreement. Recently I was interested in the controversy over the book by President Carter. What I found particularly interesting was his assertions and the responses he received, including yours. Here was a disagreement in writing between a respected, humanitarian former president and a respected lawyer and scholar. I was surprised by many of the points in your written response to his book. However, when I checked some of your statements it seems that you artfully use the language to obfuscate rather than illuminate the truth. Below are just three examples. You have discomfort with his use of the use of the word “Apartheid” to describe the situation in Palestine. I think that any objective observer would agree (and many have) that “apartness” is an accurate word to describe the differing legal rights that the two peoples have (let alone the physical “apartness” that is maintained). Do you not agree that Israeli settlers have different rights than the Palestinians in the West Bank? This “apartness” is based on religion and not race but that does not make it any less horrible and repulsive. In your response, you recite facts about Israel, not Palestine. You are a smart man, surely you are aware that you are changing the subject and creating a smoke screen. Can you not dispute the claim honestly? I believe that you use the same technique in other instances as well. In your response to Carter’s assertion that Israel rejects the two-state solution, you only included statements concerning 1938 and 1948. What about after 1967? Could it be that Carter is correct and that after 1967 Israel rejects the two-state solution and Palestine accepts it? You also disagreed with Carter on his statement about Jordan and the 1967 war. I looked into this and I find your statements very misleading. Maybe your words are factually correct but the thrust of your argument is not. Israel started the war by attacking the allied powers of Egypt and Jordon (among others). Israel knew that Jordon was allied with Egypt which is why they “tried desperately” to keep Jordon out of the conflict. The fact is that Israel attacked first. If one were to read your statement without background knowledge, they would believe that Jordan started the war and that Israel only wanted peace. This is disingenuous. I was bewildered that someone of your stature would purposefully distort the truth. This led me to do some further investigation. I found that claims of plagiarism have been leveled against you by a serious scholar. It seems that contrary to your statements in order to clear your name, you have, according to the Crimson, “incorrectly implied that Harry S. Martin ’65, the Ess Librarian of Harvard Law School, dismissed charges of academic dishonesty against (you) as “baseless.” Why would you imply that he had dismissed the charges if he had not? Also, I notice in your defense you make a general claim about proper citation and say that you have done just that. However, the issue is your specific case not a general one. According to Amherst professor Sayres Rudy who has studied your case: “I can say unequivocally that under Davidson College’s and other schools’ honor codes Dershowitz’s quotations constitute plagiarism, with clear attempt to deceive as to (A) his research and (B) his findings.” Why would you use a discredited book at all? I found the controversy concerning your “alleged” attempt to prevent the publication of a book critical of some of your books. I certainly understand your concern about the publication of a book critical of you, especially if you consider the information inaccurate. I also understand why you would want to “persuade” the publishers to correct any inaccuracies before publication. However what I can’t understand is why you would say that you didn’t send threatening letters when there are published reports of such letters. (You have even made statements boasting about these threats) I know that there have been calls for you to release the letters in order to prove that what you said is correct (and the published reports are wrong) but you say you will only release them if Professor Finkelstein releases some letters of his. If Professor Finkelstein is the character you describe, why would you want the proof of your integrity tied to his actions? Finally, I came across your statements about Professor Finkelstein’s mother. I will only say that your misrepresentations concerning his statements are shameful and disgusting and that there must be better issues for someone of your prestige to discuss. Your statements concerning the Israel/Palestine conflict are at odds with the facts I find. It seems that instead of acting as a professor and scholar, you are using your lawyerly skills to act as an advocate for the state of Israel. That would be acceptable but for the fact that many of us rely on those in your position to advance the understanding truth. Based on the independent analysis and evidence, the claim of plagiarism is credible and your response is, unfortunately, not. After all, you are using a hoax as a basis for your scholarship and then not crediting that book. I wouldn’t want to cite her as a source either. Your statements concerning your letters and Professor Finkelstein’s book are really the icing on the cake. It seems clear based on the current available evidence, that, contrary to your assertions you did attempt to suppress his expression of free speech with threatening letters and/or notes. There is simply no other conclusion that one can reach based on the current evidence and your refusal to document your position. Please prove me wrong by releasing the letters and restoring some credibility to your name. Sincerely, From: dersh[at] Why do u even pretend objectivity. You are as transparant as0 the “distinguisshed scholar”whose “research u rely on Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: prochoice8[at] Dear Mr. Dershowitz, I do not need any of your and your lawyers´ letters to draw But, being not a native speaker of English, I am fascinated by your And of course I would love to read whether your lawyers, unlike You are complaining about Mr Finkelstein calling you a “moral You seem to forget that you wrote a manual for rapists full of Do you really believe caricaturists or satirists need being You may flatter yourself that your opinions and actions are And to make me wish you would be treated according to your own Yours sincerely Rune C. Olwen By the way, is your Hebrew any better than your English, or do you From: dersh[at] Thanks for your biggotted letter which I plan to include in a book Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: oberois[at] Dear Prof. Dershowitz Link shown below will take you to the Joint Appeal issued by Israel’s Nine Thank you Serge Oberoi Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 23:32:23 Hello Prof.Dershowitz, I just read your article in the Jerusalem Post (Nov. 8, 2006 3:19). You very clearly and unambiguously claim in your article that you had “released the letters” sent to “Finkelstein’s publishers” but I was a little puzzled to see why many people are still asking you to release “the letters”? I mean,asper your article, you had already released those letters… right?? I got further confused when you said in one of your replies to this strange request that”I have agreed to release my letters if finmkelsteinm releases his.”. I don’t understand. You “have agreed to release” ?? Hello?? what is going on here?? Remember? You already had released the letters. I don’t know why are people asking you to release these already released letters butwhy are YOU playing along with them ? Sincerely, SD On 1/2/07, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: F has quoted from the letters. He wants release of lawyers letters0 too. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless To: dersh[at] Prof.Dershowitz, Thanks for your reply. 1) I am not sure what’s the real difference between YOU writing a letter with your own hands and YOUR lawyers writing on YOUR behalf. Do they just sent out letters to people on your behalf without your knowledge or consent ? Come on.. You know this argument doesn’t make sense. So, again, please point me to the location of the letters which you or your lawyers had sent out to F’s publishers. Your article in the JP is very clear and I am still giving you a benefit of doubt by not accepting that you in-fact lied in that article. 2) Furthermore, the point which you were trying to make in your Jerusalem Post article was that you “have no interest in censoring or suppressing Finkelstein’s freedom of expression.” Well, if that is the case then why would you choose NOT to release the letter which YOU wrote Governer Schwarzenegger? Wouldn’t releasing that letter as well will only prove YOUR point beyond any doubt ? (Unless you have something to hide.) Hoping to hear from you. Sincerely SD On 1/2/07, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: I will release everything as soon as finkelstien releases his. Sound fair? Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless To: dersh[at] Prof. Dershowitz, You did address my 2nd point but forgot to consider my first request. Anyways, I will repeat. I asked you to point me to the location where I can find your already released letters. Your article is quite clear about this. You had claimed that you had released the letters which you wrote to F’s publishers. When you say that you had already released letters sent to F’s publishers then this obviously means that you are not only talking about the letters which YOU wrote with your own hands BUT the ones which your lawyers wrote on YOUR behalf as well. So, please stop playing this game. If you still won’t direct me to the location where I can find those already released letters (including the ones sent by your lawyers) then I have no other choice but to conclude that you in-fact lied in your JP article and that would be pretty shameful for a professor of your stature. As for your condition:- “I will release everything as soon as finkelstien releases his”, I think Prof.Finkelstein’s website answers it best. ” if the letters exonerate Dershowitz of all wrongdoing, wouldn’t he want to release them rather than leave their release hostage to Finkelstein’s whims?” Sincerely, SD From: ra.ravishankar[at] hello, Would you care to debate Norman Finkelstein? Or, are you scared of regards, From: Ssdd54[at] Mr. Dershowitz, I have been waiting the release of your letter (polite note) regarding Mr. Finkelstein new book Beyond Chutzpah. I came to the conclusion that you are nothing but big mouth, Zionist apologist. I do not know what law you are professing and teaching but the law of deceit and lies. Let me tell you that you are nothing but a bigot and racist, America will be much better without your loyalty to a foreign country called Israel. Ziyad, From: kershner35[at] Prof. Dershowitz: You wrote: In fact, as I specifically wrote in my letters to Finkelstein’s publishers – as Gordon knew, because I released the letters – “I have no interest in censoring or suppressing Finkelstein’s freedom of expression.” ( 8 November 2006). Finkelstein says, “He has never released the letters his lawyers at Cravath, Swaine & Moore wrote my publisher. He has never released the letter he wrote Governor Schwarzenegger.” Of course, if you have lied about this, you are not worthy of being called a Jew. You would then merely be another apologist for hegemony, racism and fascism. Yes, and apartheid, too. Harry Kershner From: mtsustak[at] Dear Sir, I would be greatly interested in seeing the letters you sent to the Governor, Arnold Schwarzeger of my state and to our University system. Seeing is believing, may I see them? Yours truly, From: oberois[at] Mr. Dershowitz, please release the letter you wrote to Mr. Finkelstein’s Thank you From: harth[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz, Time certainly flies! Who can believe “The Trial of the Century” was over 11 years ago, (in a different century!?) I’ll never forget it–I was almost ready to jump in the air and shout hip hip HOORAY when you won an acquittal for that shamefully persecuted football star, (surely one of America’s national treasures!) ‘Evidence Shmevidence,’ you courageously asserted, drawing on a lifetime of juridical knowledge. Couldn’t anyone looking into Mr. Simpson’s captivating eyes recognize at once he was pure as the driven snow? Not one to rest on your laurels, you did the same for accused Jewish heroes like Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu, and the persecuted state of Israel in your marvelous page turner “The Case for Israel.” Unfortunately, there are those who remain skeptical and ill-informed. “OJ murdered two innocent people! The Israelis are murdering innocent people!” they preposterously declare. Nothing is sacred with these anti-football, anti-Zionist fanatics, Dersh. Can I call you Dersh? Please? Well anyway, they can’t attack your courtroom moxie, so they have to take cheap shots at your sexuality! That Latuff cartoon was indeed a new low for them. A man should be able to masturbate privately, without his constitutionally protected right to do so compromised by public disclosure. Publicizing the raw material for an American citizen’s erotic musings is the worst sort of invasion of privacy, and probably, actionable, (though obviously, you’d know better than I). One man is aroused by a willowy geisha, another, by a cowboy or firefighter and still another, by the mass murder of Lebanese civilians. SO WHAT? It’s nobody’s business, period! It’s a sad day when a Harvard professor, (one of G_d’s Chosen, no less!) has to see his private carnal reveries splashed all over the information highway, courtesy an indiscreet Brazilian neo-Nazi pornographer. I share your outrage! Count on my continued support! OJ WAS FRAMED!!!!!!!!! Israel: First, Last and Always! Richard Harth From: dersh[at] Thank you for your antisemitic letter. I am compiling a book of Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: tbarham7[at] By what perverted logic you can see in my letter antisemitism or From: dersh[at] Ill publish that one as well. The readers will judge. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: tbarham7[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz: You claim to have released the letters Let me take the liberty here to make a general point-let us say, my The more the Nazis oppressed the Jews, the more angry and cruel One final observation. I saw your last “debate” with Chomsky, and was From: danielbmate[at] Professor Dershowitz, Stop it. Just stop it. Please. Release the letters. Stop You’re doing the Jewish people no favours with this chicanery. Cut it best, NEW! From: martianjournalist[at] Congratulations for being faithful servants of power and money, and for choosing servitude of power over and above upholding any moral scruples or even paying attention to Cartesian common sense – both as an individual and as an institution. I am especially appalled since my father was alumnus of your institution. But I, like President Jimmy Carter believe that it’s never too late to return to common sense, and I hope you will do so both as an individual and as an institution, preferably sooner than later. Best Regards, From: dersh[at] I’m sure your father would be proud of having produced such an intolorant ignoramus Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: hegramso[at] Mr. Dershowitz, I read from your new form reply that an alleged involvement in a spicy and funny cartoon is far more significant than an attempt to censor and block a scholar’s thorough work. I disagree. You become disturbed every time Finkelstein strips your actions for credibility, and you start imagining neo-Nazis and Nazi-collaborators both here and there. “Get the ball, not the man” are guidelines for a fair play – and a decent debate. But you leave the whole soccer field and try to get a cartoon, or worse, the man’s late mother. Neither brings you your credibility back. Maybe you will never find your way back to the relevant subjects and restore your credibility, but if you want to chase Nazi-collaborators, why not concentrate on a real one, like one of Israel’s heroes, Yitzak Shamir and his crazy Stern gang? His flirting with the Nazis has been shamefully silenced. With your eager after getting those traitors, you can’t live with that. Hege R. From: mimartin2[at] Subject: Re: Dershowitz should admit his assertion, apologize and retract the assertion Dear Dean Kagan: I write to condemn Alan Dershowitz’s unspeakably vulgar ad hominem attack on Norman Finkelstein’s family. The whole “Finkelstein admits his mother was probably a Nazi kapo, but you didn’t hear it from me” line of argument from Dershowitz is about as low as one can imagine argument getting, given that it is clearly not a plausible inference from the text he cites (this is a professor, after all, there should be a some relationship between data and inference). And then to say, as Dershowitz does, that it wasn’t he who said it but his victim..! This is, at the least, utterly unworthy of the scholarship of a great university, if not quite the academic version of the rapist saying the victim asked for it. Goebbels, I am ashamed to say, would probably be impressed. And Mr. Dershowitz should be ashamed to pretend he found in Mr. Finkelstein’s text what he projects there. Dershowitz perhaps is playing a “good” (in the sense of effective) lawyer here: he may or may not have the facts about the Israel-Palestine debate (that is not the point I am here concerned with), but he acts as if he doesn’t have the facts by arguing the man. Then Dershowitz says the man implied something awful when he did not, then says he wasn’t the one who said it, the man revealed it himself! ‘Don’t look at me, I’m just reporting the facts as I see them.’ A freshman would have his work returned to him. Dershowitz in once place says (I paraphrase) that If Finkelstein weren’t Jewish, his arguments would be recognized as a right wing screed, castigated and thrown aside. And yet to call the son of holocaust survivors the child of murderous Nazi collaborators in order to undermine his argument is also only possible because Dershowitz is Jewish. Were he a gentile, the whole world would be ridiculing your institution as well as shunning him. You would certainly have something to say about it then, and so you should now. Respectfully, From: sankara83[at] Dr. Alan Dershowitz, At this point, it would seem that a retraction is in order for your When will you be publishing at the Huffington Post or on your own Also, when will you be releasing the letter your wrote to the Derrick O’Keefe NEW! From: “joel suarez” joel_sv[at] Professor Dershowitz, I have been following what you have been writing about Dr. Finkelstein for some time now and I thought I finally should put in my 2 cents. First off, you do your lovely lawyer trick of evading the issue of what you or your friends at law firms wrote relating to the publishing of Finkelstein’s book. It’s like someone asking me if I ever tried to kill someone and responding by asking if the person accusing me is a pedophile. What you are doing is obvious and unimpressive. Second, you issue one of your many lovely “challenges” (can’t you think of something else for a change? How many “challenges” have you issued lately? I just can’t keep up), and it is all in order to keep attention off of the issue at hand–whether you tried to As for Latuff, I don’t see how you can claim he is a neo-nazi. In fact, one of his pieces is of a swastika over the White House….I don’t believe that was Last time I looked it up, a fantasy was a creation of ones imagination–an invention. I don’t know how much more clearly it can be stated that he denies your allegations. Moreover, your claim that Finkelstein supports your assassination is completely ridiculous. If you actually read the article you would see that Finkelstein clearly, explicitly, and flatly rejects anything of this sort. Although the title of the article might have been provocative, his argument is quit clear that the implications of your arguments and logic are morally problematic and that he does not support them. You are, again, just trying to avoid the real Nonetheless, all of this is irrelevant. I personally don’t care about this because it has nothing to do with the real issue–freedom of speech. Even if we suppose everything you say is true, it doesn’t mean anything–Finkelstein has not ever tried to violate your right to freedom of speech. The real issue has to do with those letters you and your friends at law firms wrote relating to Finkelstein’s book. If i get an email from you telling me about “neo-nazis” and “Holocaust denial” then I will simply take it as you admitting to lying. You should really stop evading the issue and tell us the truth….you should have nothing to hide. Joel From: dersh[at] Are u aware that fs supporters at depaul are trying to supress my free speech by denying me the right to communicate my info about f to the faculty. When u complain about that then I will believe that u really care about free speech and aren’t just another f water carrier. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: sankara83[at] Dr. Alan Dershowitz, Was O.J. at Nicole Brown’s house the night she and Ron Goldman were If Finkelstein really was in Teheran at that deplorable conference, Wouldn’t scholarship and justice be better served by an honest Is it not a moral and intellectual crime akin to holocaust denial to Where in the world is your moral integrity, if not in the gutter Sincerely, From: “Frank J. Menetrez” Dear Professor Dershowitz, I am an attorney in Los Angeles, and I am writing to ask that you please release any and all letters you or your lawyers wrote to the University of California Press or Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger concerning the book Beyond Chutzpah, by Norman G. Finkelstein, prior to its publication. In a letter published in the Jerusalem Post you claimed that you have already released the letters. To my knowledge, that claim is false. If I am mistaken, please let me know where I can find the letters. I understand that you have responded to previous, similar requests by claiming that you will release the letters as soon as Finkelstein releases the correspondence in which he “commissioned” a cartoon of you from the “neo-nazi” “Holocaust denier” Latuff. If you wish to respond similarly to my request, please augment your response by explaining what the two sets of alleged correspondence have to do with one another. Please also provide your evidence that (1) Latuff is a neo-Nazi or Holocaust denier, and (2) Finkelstein “commissioned” the cartoon in question. I have done some looking and have found no evidence to support either claim. As far as I can tell, Latuff is universally regarded as a member of the political far left, not the far right, and it is fairly easy to locate anti-Nazi cartoons by Latuff online. In fact, Latuff’s work has been featured by the Israeli peace group Gush Shalom. Are they “neo-Nazis” and “Holocaust deniers” too? In the absence of evidence supporting your charges against Latuff, I will be forced to conclude that by “neo-Nazi” “Holocaust denier” you mean “someone who is harshly critical of Israeli government policy and is unpersuaded by that government’s self-exculpatory rhetoric.” Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Sincerely, To: frankmenetrez[at] Why don’t u ask finkelstein Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: akaradi[at] Dear Allen Dershowitz If you do not want a cloud to hang over your head it is high time to release the letters which you claim do not defame Dr Finkelstein. The only way to find out the truth is the release all such letters. If you decide against it then basically you admit guilt. regards Andras Karadi From: yasmine.abukhazneh[at] Dear Mr. Dershowitz, Please release the letters- you are behaving like a naughty little boy and already our hands our full with Bush. Can’t you behave just this once? Also, please stop your blatant lies, and, either learn how to spell or make use of the spell check on your computer… You’re a professor at Harvard University, no? Beyond chutzpah! I don’t understand why you failed to appreciate the caricature, we absolutely adored over here, and he is quite a talented artist. Might I add, you are behaving very undemocratically. A loving Palestinian, From: dersh[at] Dear Correspondent, You have written to me claiming an interest in free speech and urging me But you may or may not be aware of the fact that Norman Finkelstein is When I first pointed out the obscenity of the cartoon and Finkelstein’s But after several faculty members understandably expressed an interest in It seems clear from the evidence that Finkelstein commissioned, or Therefore, I have challenged Finkelstein to answer the following questions: (1) Did you send the article to Latuff before it was published? (2) If not, how could Latuff have guessed the precise wording of the (3) If you had nothing to do with the cartoon, why didn’t you say so when (4) What about the dozens of Latuff cartoons that you feature on his I now challenge Finkelstein, in the interest of truth, to answer these I also challenge Finkelstein to put this entire correspondence on his Sincerely, Alan Dershowitz From: mastergunner[at] 12 December 2006 Dear Mr. Alan Dershowitz: I’m send you this email to ask that you have your lawyers (Cravath, Swaine & Moore) release all legal correspondence with Norman G. Finkelstein publisher regarding Beyond Chutzpah: The Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History (Berkeley: U. of California Press, 2005.) My concern is that you have taken it upon yourself to act as a censor and that maybe you and your attorney’s have seen fit to prevent the publication of Mr. Finkelstein’s book. Thank you and I eagerly await Cravath, Swaine & Moore’s release of all documentaion. Kevin M. Carney From: mastergunner[at] 12 December 2006 Dear Mr. Dershowitz: I ask you for the last time: when will you have your attorneys Please give us a time, date and year. Best regards, Kevin M. Carney From: dersh[at] Thank u for making it the last time Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: mastergunner[at] Dear Mr Dershowitz: I will take your replies to mean that you WILL NOT release the Kevin M. Carney From: jessemaurais[at] Greetings Professor Dershowitz, You came to my attention recently as I began studying the Israel/Palestine conflict in my spare time. I am a fan of debates and I thouroughly enjoyed two in which you participated. One was with Professor Chomsky at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, the other, against Professor Finkelstein on the liberal news program, Democracy Now. On the former you gave a memorable opening address in which you called on advocates of both parties to enjoin you in a “peace treaty among academics” and to “stop using a double standard.” Though I can’t agree with much else you said, I might assume your sincerity, and endear you to make the first consolation. A united front of American intellectuals would certainly bring quick redress to the injustices perpetrated in this conflict. I ask you, if you are serious about the goal of peace, to bring a swift end to this disgusting persona war with Finkelstein, publicize the letters in question, reach out to the left and bring the Israel/Palestine debate to the fore of political discourse in this country. Human life and the continuing misery of the disposessed are at stake in this. Its too much to let the ego of a few stand against. Also, From: khadijau[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz, I think I’ve already mailed you regarding my misgivings about your treatment of Prof. Finkelstein, but additionally now I would like to inform you that as the president of a local Social Justice Club, I have been invited to direct the construction of a human rights oriented bulletin board. I fully intend to prominently display your attempts to censor Prof. Finkelstein as one of the featured ‘issues’ on the board. Just one small step on the path to a more just and honest world. Sincerely, On 12/6/06, Alan Dershowitz wrote: Go ahead. Also post my letter about finkelsteins commisioning af a cartoon by a neonazi hollocast denier. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: khadijau[at] Dear Professor Finkelstein, I recieved the following correspondence from Mr Dershowitz. You may post it on your website if you like, and best wishes. Sincerely, Dean Kagan, I was shocked viewing the Harvard Law School website, to find your most updated article was that of A. Dershowitz lambasting Carter’s recent book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Carter is the only former President to honestly assess the humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories, and Harvard is quick to post this pro-Zionist assessment of Carter’s book as a “smear.” How is this part of Professor Dershowitz’s job description? Looking further into AD’s listed accomplishments on his faculty webpage, I was also impressed by his list of publications. Beyond the books he publishes, where examples of plagiarism have been verified in detail by Norman Finkelstein, I was truly overwhelmed with the scholarly accomplishments of the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law. There were articles in “periodicals” such as Penthouse and the Jerusalem Post – scholarly, peer-reviewed publications, to be sure. PENTHOUSE? This appears to be one of Dershowitz’s favorite “periodicals” for publication, as numerous articles in Penthouse are listed. Is this scholarship at Harvard? The remaining “publications” are, for the most part, newspaper articles. I have wondered how it was that AD was promoted to Full Professor at Harvard Law so quickly, 1964-1967! Now I know – the accomplishment of publishing in Penthouse, similar to the most selective law journals, critically peer-reviewed, and a true mark of scholarship I’m sure. Wow, a defender of all the human rights abuses propagated by Israel and a Penthouse scholar as well. PENTHOUSE? Harvard Law should be proud. I teach at an academic institution and my webpage is related to the scholarly work I do at the university involving teaching, research, publications (journals, not newspapers) and grants. I would never think to put my political opinions on my webpage, much less the details of a personal vendetta against other academics such as Finkelstein and Chomsky, nor would the university condone this. What are the academic standards at Harvard Law? There appear to be none, if Dershowitz’s webpage is a representative example. PENTHOUSE? Mary McGrane, PhD NEW! From: trialofsocrates[at] Hello Dr. Dershowitz, For the sake of clearing up the matter between yourself and Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein, would you simply release the letter that you wrote to the Governor of California pertaining to his book? I think if you in fact did write this letter you should have no problem letting people like myself read it. It appears that you have attempted to distort the content of Dr. Finkelstein’s work in carrying out this act. I hate to say it but you seem very dogmatic in your one-sided analysis of Israel and her policies; I wish you would just be honest about it. Asking a lawyer to be honest is quite stupid I admit but as an author and an academic perhaps you could see the logic in releasing this letter. Being honest might lend some credibility to your arguments against Norm Finkelstein As of now the Be fair, be honest, lets see the evidence, Jeff Schneider From: Clauditx31[at] Mr. Dershowitz, In the effort of clearing your name and reputation,i believe that you should release the letter and other communications between your attorneys and the publishers of professor Finkelstein’s book Beyond Chutzbah.I do believe that the release of those letters should be a matter of principle on your behalf as a strong advocate of freedom of speech. Thanks From: frank.mugford[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz, As a learned person, indeed, Professor of Law at Harvard, I’m sure you realise the importance to your credibility and academic standing of the importance of, not only supporting your argument at all times possible, but also letting it be seen that you are doing so. It hardly seems worth while saying to those who espouse a belief in academic worthiness that any sort of lying, however small or apparently unimportant, would be anathema to this worthiness and a sure sign, beyond misinterpretation, to anyone who would take such academics seriously. You owe it to your professional standing, your students, your university and employers and those of us who listen to you but, most of all, to yourself. Yours sincerely, From: hfouda[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz I understand from your column in the Jerusalem Post on November 8, Thanks From: armmat[at] Mr. Gershowitz, I’m perplexed by your incredible efforts to call a blue sky gray. Being from the Middle East myself, it strikes me how someone like yourself can still pitch the nonsense, garbage, and one-sided views regarding how Israel deals with its neighbors. It also disgusts me how people like yourself and the propaganda you spew out has tainted the general public’s rather naive and easily swayed opinions on the issues of that region….perfect tools to start wars wouldn’t you say? It’s a real shame there are so many neocon, agenda driven people such as yourself out there in high places pumping out utter, shameful lies. I’ve always wondered why. Can you tell us? How much money does it take to change your thinking processes to the point of delusional? So tell me, how many more people need to die over there before the truth comes out about Israel and its policies? Why do people like you always think that Israel can do no wrong? What? Is it somehow above every other nation…where it’s immune to answering for it’s own crimes? Or is it trying to just be the second “mini-me” America? You are so deeply entrenched in guilt knowing full well how some modern Jews have used their own past misery to take advantage of others today that your culture now feels obligated to uphold this image of “can do no wrong”….and “we always smell like roses.” Really…that’s pathetic. A. Matevosian On 11/30/06, Alan Dershowitz dersh[at] wrote: You are an ignoramous. If you had read my book the case for peace u would see that I a a lberal democrat who favors the two state solution,the end of the occupation and am often critical of israeli actions. Don’t believe what u read on finkelsteins web site. You didn’t even get my name right. Do your homework before u make0a fool of yourself. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless
From: armmat[at] Touchy touchy! No don’t get so defensive G. You keep stating that I shouldn’t believe what I read on Finkelstein’s website. Why on earth should I believe you and not him? He’s shown you up several times on several occasions on multiple issues….so you frankly have no credibility left. FYI, some people take the time to do research on both sides….so I’m not one those mindless, brainless idiots you feed on and make your riches off of. A two state solution you say? Oh you mean the type where we have a concrete wall and apartheid like control? That two state solution…well..I give you that…that for sure would work. You are none of the things you say you are. Liberal? I would laugh if my heart wasn’t so heavy. You’re simply a two faced “scholar” who jumps the fence whenever it’s convenient for you. You’ve demonstrated that over and over again. I’ll apologize ahead of time if I don’t believe you. I did do my homework thanks…and wasting time on learning how to spell your name wasn’t a high priority on my list…sorry! Oh…and when you get a chance, do us all a favor and bring that letter the good Dr. wants seen to light…perhaps the remnants of any reputation you had can be glimpsed for a short, brief period. AM From: jamesgeddesmd[at] Dear Alan Dershowitz; I feel that you are a very clever liar, but not clever enough. I am I will pray for you, Dr. Dershowitz, whether you care about it or James Geddes M.D. From: sam.richmond[at] Dear Mr Dershowitz, I read your article in the Jerusalem Post of 8th November 2006 in Many thanks for your help in this matter. Dr Sam Richmond, FRCP UK From: dersh[at] When finkelstein produces his correspondence with his neonazi Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: sam.richmond[at] Dear Mr Dershowitz Thank you for taking the trouble to respond to my email. I now feel Yours sincerely, Sam Richmond Dear Mr Dershowitz Thank you for your email of 13 November Best wishes Michael Shanahan P S It was hardly the best of taste to have a go at Dr Finkelstein From: mklein[at] Dear Mr. Dershowitz: I write this after being directed to Norman Finkelstein’s website IMO it would clarify matters greatly if you would release in their To be honest, I have only a passing interest in the If Finkelstein is lying, why not prove it? Your decision not to Sincerely, Mark Klein Toronto From: smn_brkr[at] Dear Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan Dershowitz It is an undeniable pleasure to add my e-mail to the others spamming your inbox requesting that you release the letters your lawyers wrote to Finkelstein’s publishers, and also your friendly scribblings to Governor Terminator. Please can I see them? I’m even going to hold my breath until you do, since your previous record strongly implies that you will grant this simple request in the very near future. Looking forward to a typo-strewn auto-response soon. Yours respectfully, Simon Barker P.S. Finkelstein owned you in that debate on Democracy Now! in 2003 P.P.S. Chomsky owned you in that debate at Harvard last November P.P.P.S. Your book ‘The Case for Israel’ resides in my lavatory ready for emergency use From: kconway[at] Greetings Professor Dershowitz: My suspicion is that you yourself will never read what I’m writing—a suspicion which will likely be confirmed once I receive my form reply—but perhaps you’ll find it perusing Professor Finkelstein’s website in search of potentially libelous content, you civil libertarian, you. Numerous people have explained to you the logistics: either you are right or you are wrong, and if you’re right you need only make a quick phone call to your lawyers to demonstrate the fact. Not difficult. (By the way: we want you to release “the letters”, not “letters” — that’s all of them, not some of them — something which I’m sure you, of all people, will be able to understand.) As luck would have it, Professor Dershowitz, I think there’s away we can avoid similar situations in the future, inspired, ironically enough, by your groundbreaking work on terrorism. I think what we need is a “continuum of academia” with frauds like you on the one end, and genuine scholars like Professor Finkelstein on the other. That way, when you descend into hysteria because an honest intellectual points to the staggering fraud you concocted in defense of a state that systematically flouts both law and justice, we’ll know to take your tirades only slightly seriously. Best, PS: Loved the article about “justice as fairness” in the Wall Street Journal. Wonder what Rawls would think if he could see your hatchet job on the “liberty principle”… From: here[at] Professor Dershowitz, Let us all read the letters. Make them public. Only they will provide us Do us a favour then. “Re-release” them. Many, many sites and blogs will Sincerely, From: dersh[at] I agree. All the letters should be published starting with finkelsteins to Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: dpk24g[at] Mr. Dershowitz, I am writing with great concern for you to release the letters you–and your lawyers–wrote to Dr. Finkelstein’s publisher and Governor Schwarzenegger in regards to the publication of “Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.” You’re the Felix Frankfurter professor of law, sir, and that title may be put to shame if you do not clear your good name by releasing these letters and showing us that you would never suppress anyone’s constitutionally protected freedom of speech rights. Since Dr. Finkelstein has clearly plotted against you with that neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying Brazilian pornographer who portrayed you masturbating to the death of Lebanese civilians, you can’t take anymore of this gruff. You must stand up for yourself by releasing these letters. It’s the only way to clear your name, as well as destory the credibility of that neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying Brazilian pornographer and all allegations that have ever been aimed at you by anyone else. I’ll be waiting for the letters. DK From: CEJPRINCE[at] Professor Dershowitz: It should be a simple matter to send copies of the letters you refer to so I would like to request the same be sent to me at the e-mail address. Thank you. C.E. Prince From: shaukat012[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz, Thank you for your form reply. I suppose you write your emails the same way you write your books. I must say, however, that your response completely skirts the issue at hand, and your outrage over the latuff cartoon is not very convincing considering that when you came to the University of Toronto a couple years back, the Law professor who introduced you boasted that you wrote regularly for Penthouse, a magazine that has carried images of Asian women being bound and gagged and hung from trees. Also, I have read the piece by Finkelstein you refer to, and believe it meets the highest scholarly standards. Please supply the letters you claim have been released. Sincerly, Shaukat A Hello, Professor Finkelstein. I hope you’re well. I’m copying you with two e-mail “conversations” (I think I already sent you the one with Mr. Rothschild last summer). I really just wanted you to know that you’re getting support from this quarter, but if you’d like to post them on your website, feel free — as long as you remove my name & e-mail address first. (I lack your courage, and we have some fiercely militant Zionists over here at UBC — ably assisted, of course, by an equally fierce Hillel outlet in the centre of campus.) Thank you for all you do. Vancouver, Canada Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:58:11 -0800 Hello. You have been saying for some time that you did not try to stop publication of Professor Finkelstein’s book, Beyond Chutzpah, and that you have released letters you sent to prove this. However, my understanding is that you have failed to release the letters sent to the professor’s publisher by your lawyers, and your letter to Governor Schwarznegger. Until you do so, your claim to have released relevant letters in this case is a clear falsehood. Vancouver, Canada Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 22:40:43 +0000 I have agreed to release my letters if finmkelsteinm releases his. Ball is now in his court. Write him Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: gottfried_stutz[at] Sir, Let me start by thanking you or your assistants for having responded, even if the response is a mere forward. I do know how busy you are. The link which you provide to Norman Finkelstein’s site does lead to a page containing four of your letters. However, still absent are the subsequent letters sent by your lawyers, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, as well as the letter sent to Governer Schwarzenegger. Therefore, it is obvious that your previous claims of not having wanted to censor anything or to prevent the publication of “Beyond Chutzpah” remain unsubstantiated. The Latuff accusation is a track which is interesting to pursue indeed, but in no way does it answer my request and those of many of your correspondents. (As an aside, it is certainly easy to question Latuff’s taste, but lmuch ess easy to support the claim that he is a neo-Nazi.) I have to admit that I fail to see the link between that accusation, however serious it may be, and the issue at hand, namely the yet undisclosed letters, unless this is a diversionary tactic worthy of Alan M. Dershowitz the Lawyer, but not of Alan M. Dershowitz the Professor at Harvard. For the sake of the Professor at Harvard, please release the letters. Still sincerely, Gottfried Stutz From: humanite[at] Professor Dershowitz, We are planning to publish an article on the issue of academic freedom in our upcoming December edition. We plan to go to press this week. Following your indication in your previous e-mail that most of the correspondence has already been revealed, we attempted to track down your correspondence. However we have not been able to find them anywhere. Therefore in regard to your previous e-mail, even if everything you say is true, where are the letters that you claim to have released? Sincerely, Ron Saba Montreal Planet Magazine From: dersh[at] Have you asked finkelstein to produce his correspondence onthe >>From: humanite[at] To:dersh[at] Professor Dershowitz, Many Montrealers who care about academic freedom have watched the Listed below are two links to the documentary. Perhaps you might Now that you are aware of what Montrealers and Canadians consider Ron Saba From: dersh[at] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:31 PM If yours was a real magazine you would report on the link between Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: humanite [at] Subject: Re: Full disclosure and Finkelstein Professor Dershowitz, Canadians concerned about academic freedom have no interest In the future, historians will no doubt point to this period as a Sincerely, Ron Saba To: dersh[at] Subject: Re: full disclosure and Finkelstein Hello, I read your response and have to say that I still will appreciate if I don’t have any interest this moment in. In the end they are just “Mr. Dershowitz, who is representing Mr. Heller for free, says that as Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Oct 3, 1994. (Abstract (Document Summary) Representing defendant David Heller: Alan Dershowitz, who took time out from the O.J. Simpson trial to argue his case in a forum in Boston last week. Siding with plaintiff Sylvia Smith Bowman: the National Conference of Black Lawyers and the Massachusetts state bar In 1987, Mr. Heller, a social worker at the Massachusetts Department of Mr. Heller has appealed, arguing that the focus of the case should be I understand that you are a public figure and that the cartoon is just Please, provide the letters that you said were released. Thanks, From: gottfried_stutz[at] Sir, In your opinion editorial published in the Jerusalem Post on November 8, 2006 (… ) eyou stat: < As a respected and experienced laywer, you are certainly aware that, since the statement above neither covers the letter which you wrote to Governor Schwarzenegger nor the letters which your lawyers wrote to Finkelstein’s publishers regarding the same book, that statement alone cannot be used in any argument aiming to support your claim that you did not try to prevent the publication of Norman Finkelstein’s “Beyond Chutzpah”. Consequently, may I strongly recommend that you release every letter sent by you or by your lawyers regarding Finkelstein’s book? As long as those letters are not all released, you would doubtless understand that people will continue to have legitimate doubts that you may have tried, directly or through your lawyers, to prevent the publication of “Beyond Chutzpah.” For the sake of truth, and in order to prevent your statement above from looking like the kind of half-truths which abound in your book “The Case for Israel”, please release the letters. Most sincerely, Gottfried Stutz From: dersh[at] Why don’t you ask your friend finkelstien whether he commissioned a cartoon by a neo nazi hollicast denierthat showed me masterbating to dead lebanese civilians. You are judged by the company you keep. Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: gottfried_stutz[at] Sir, Apart from a standard automatically generated message acknowleding reception of my initial message far below by your assistants, I also received a response below which seems to have been sent by your e-mail address. It is impossible for me to believe that this response comes from you. Notwithstanding the outrageously false claims which it contains, this is not your style and you are not known to make such spelling mistakes. By the way, I do not “keep company” with Mr. Finkelstein and he is not my friend. Having said that, and taking into consideration his scientific and personal integrity, I do sometimes wish he were. Since I am sure that you did not send the answer below, I suggest that you ask the system administrator in Harvard review and strengthen the security of your e-mail account. Very sincerely and still waiting for those letters to be released, Gottfried Stutz From: njm_1974[at] Professor Dershowit, In light of the recent events regarding the release of letters on Prof. Norman G. Finkelstein’s book, Beyond Chutzpah, we all anticipate that you, a man of courage, honor and conviction, will immediately make public these letters. You have a rare chance to demonstrate your integrity but then again something tells me you wont step up to the challenge….another nail in the tragic history of Professor Dershowit. Kind Regards, Nizar From: matthew.mabraha2[at] Subject: Re: full disclosure and Finkelstein Dear Professor Dershowitz: I’m still at a loss to explain why you will not fulfill my and MA From: maxillagardens1118[at] Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:35:15 Professor A M Dershowitz LL.B. Dear Professor Dershowitz I am writing in connection with your article( above) and in particular your criticism of Dr Neve Gordon I now draw your attention to a brief correspondence that I …Dershowitz is not”demanding changes”….he just wants to get rid I am perfectly willing to copy the whole of my side of the I look forward to receiving any remarks you feel able to Yours sincerely From: dersh[at] Reply-To: dersh[at] Since you are obviously doing finkelstein and gordons bidding why Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless From: karimguy[at] Dear Mr.Dershowitz, In your ongoing feud with Professor.Finkelstein, regarding the One of these charges is, that you attempted to halt the publication Your sincerely, From: “Diane” dianausa212[at] Your opinions concerning Alan Dershowitz are the same type of abuse YOU are fighting against for Jews. You are what you hate. Bigotry and censor at it’s worst. You are like Hitler by only allowing your message to be heard. From: manhatjack5[at] Alan, I am interested in why you said in the Jerusalem Post that you released the letters you wrote to Finkelstein’s publishers, yet nobody seems to have any type of, say, public copy of them. To whom did you release them? It would be one thing, I suppose, if you released them solely to the publishers, that would be a releasing, even though you already had sent the letters to them, obviously releasing them to them already, by sending them to them, but to publicly suggest that you released them in a public way, so that, whoever is interested in this stuff, as I am, may observe them, then, well, why is nobody suggesting that you did any such thing? I have a request, and a suggestion: if you have no interest in censoring or suppressing Finkelsteins’s “latest anti-Zionist screed”, what’s the big secret regarding your attorneys’ letters to Finkelstein’s publishers, and why, if you were so truthful in the Jerusalem Post, why not play along and show your cards, show the letters–to save yourself from continuing suspicion and career corruption? Thanks, Michael Dr. Finkelstein, Perhaps after all this business about the letters reaches a Alex Trafton. From: coyneman7[at] Dear “professor of human torture” Dershowitz, I am interested in seeing the letters that your lawyers sent to Norman Finkelstein’s publisher and the letter you sent to Gov Schwarzenegger about publishing “Beyond Chutzpah”. Will you release them ? If not then you really are the epitome of “Beyond Chutzpah” Thank you, Jim Kilcoyne FROM: Maren Hackmann CC: normangf[at] In your 8 November 2006 Jerusalem Post article, you claim that your letters regarding Prof. Norman G. Finkelstein’s book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, have already been released. I would be most interested in reading the letters your lawyers at Cravath, Swaine & Moore sent to the University of California Press, as well as the letter you wrote Governor Schwarzenegger. If I may borrow one of your favorite expressions, I “challenge” you to forward all of these letters to Prof. Finkelstein’s website, for public inspection. Sincerely, Maren Hackmann AUTO REPLY: FROM: dersh[at] Thank you for your email. Prof Dershowitz’s emails are reviewed by his staff throughout the day. If you are reading this email, pls be assured that we have received yours. If you have submitted a legal case, please allow 6-8 weeks for review. If you have submitted an interview request or an invitation, we will respond as quickly as possible. If you have written to express a view or have specific questions, we will try our best to respond. We hope that you will understand that time and resources don’t allow Prof Dershowitz to respond to every email individually, but he is always grateful for thoughtful comments and questions. Sincerely, Office of Alan Dershowitz From: costelloja[at] Dear Dean Kagan, I read an article from the Daily Bruin, which recounted a talk given by Professor Alan Dershowitz. This event was sponsored by the Center for Near Eastern Studies at UCLA. The following is an excerpt from the article: “Norah Sarsour, a member of the Muslim Student Association, called Dershowitz’s book, “The Case for Israel,” fiction. She cited charges of plagiarism made by DePaul political science Professor Norman Finkelstein Dershowitz responded by saying that all charges of plagiarism made by Finkelstein were cleared by Harvard University.” I think there can be no doubt that the academic reputation of Alan Dershowitz has been severely damaged by Professor Finkelstein’s dissection the book, “The Case for Israel.” But what I found striking when I read the article is that Mr. I don’t know what goes into the process of reviewing the claims made against the academic honesty of one of your professors. Perhaps, some institutional factors were at work in your decision to not reprimand Mr. Dershowitz. I completely understand this; we all have to live in the real world, and I cannot know what pressures you were put under. But when Alan Dershowitz hides behind Harvard University when defending “The Case for Israel,” he hurts Harvard University institutionally. Reprimanding Mr. Dershowitz would indeed make a big splash and perhaps hurt the reputation of Harvard University in the short term. But allowing Mr. Dershowitz to hide behind Harvard University while the rest of the world is beginning to realize he is an academic fraud could certainly hurt the institution of Harvard University in the longer term. That said, I thank you for your time and look forward to a response. Sincerely, John A. Costello From: newkazio[at] Please release the letters relating to your pressuring of UC Press over the publication of “Beyond Chutzpah.” From: humanite[at] Professor Dershowitz, When Professor Finkelstein delivered a standing room only lecture at McGill University last year, the inventory of his book Beyond Chutzpah sold out in very short order. As you might imagine, you are very well known in Montreal and I am confident the many Montrealers who purchased Professor Finkelstein’s meticulously researched book would be very interested to read the letters you wrote his publisher and Governor Schwarzenegger. In this regard, I would very much appreciate if you could e-mail me copies of your letters. I would be happy to forward the letters to the human rights organizations which sponsored Professor Finkelstein’s lecture and to Montreal’s most highly respected newspapers, La Presse and Le Devoir who both reviewed Professor Finkelstein’s book and covered the event. I look forward to receiving your letters. Sincerely, Ron Saba Montreal Planet Magazine From: angelcamarenamorgado[at] Mr. Dershowitz, I am a graduate and proximately PhD researcher at the University of Thanks for your time, Ángel Camarena Morgado.
From: shaukat012[at] Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 22:30:52 -0500 (EST) Dear Professor Dershowitz, About 8 years ago or so I remember watching you on CNN debating Det Mark Fuhrman, the racist detective on the O.J Simpson case. You told him that if he wasn’t afraid of the truth coming out, he should allow the Fuhrman tapes to be aired on the network and let the people decide “whether they contained the words of a racist or an actor.” The detective declined. Instead of following his example, I hope you will release the letters you wrote on Cravath Swaine & Moore letterhead to UCP and let the people decide whether you were voiceing concern or trying to censor the publication of a book. Sincerly, Shaukat A
From: mirene ghossein To: dersh[at] Professor Dershowitz, You first denied writing to Governor Schwarzenegger asking him to intervene with California University Press to suppress the publication of Professor Finkelstein’s Beyond Chutzpah. Lynne Withey (director of the CUP for 19 years) said she had “never heard of such a case in California”. After someone in the Governor’s office answered your non existing letter, you said, in a phone interview : “It was not a letter, it was a polite note”. Shall we assume it is all about semantics and ask you to please make public the letter / “polite note” as to dispel any lingering doubts anyone might still have. The evidence would prove conclusive. Thank you. Mirène Ghossein
From: jramsay[at] Dear Prof. Dershowitz, As a long time fan of yours, particularly your near mutant-like ability to bend the truth to serve your own needs, I formally request a copy of all the letters you and your law firm wrote to Norman Finkelstein’s publisher prior to the publication of his book, Beyond Chutzpah. May I also add that as a “fellow” defender of civil liberties, I believe that it would be in all of our collective interests to see your efforts admitted to the public record. Many thanks, and please carry on your zealot-like efforts to justify Israel’s slaughter of non-Jewish civilians in the name of “peace.” You never cease to amuse the civilized world. Sincerely, —
From: costelloja[at] Please release the letters relating to your pressuring of UC Press over the publication of “Beyond Chutzpah.”
From: matthew.mabraha2[at] Dear Professor Dershowitz: I would like to request the letters that you and your appointed Sincerely, Matthew Abraham From: dersh[at] Are u aware that finkelstein commisioned an obscene cartoon by a neonazi who won second place in irans hollicaust denial contest. He is Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless
From: unbon4[at] Alan, I would appreciate and enormously value viewing the Full and Entire copies of All your letters to Norman Finkelstein’s publishers, lawyers, and the Governor of California regarding the impending publication of Finkelstein’s Beyond Chutzpah, and while you’re at it do please indulge for me all possibile curiosity regarding the elements therein regarding any interest of yours in not censoring or suppressing Finkelstein’s freedom of expression. Thanks, Michael |
Finkelstein comments (latest on top) NEW! VI. 12.14.2006: For the past three months Professor Dershowitz has spearheaded a multiprong campaign of slander and vilification to deny me tenure at Depaul University. He has inundated faculty at the University and Law School with mammoth dossiers and email updates (sometimes twice per day) conjuring the most lurid allegations against me. In early December Depaul University’s College of Arts and Sciences’ Faculty Governance Council wrote the university provost expressing its “distress about Professor Dershowitz’ interference with the College’s tenure proceedings,” which “risks tainting the process.” In the very strange universe of this very strange man Dershowitz now complains that his “free speech” is being denied. (see correspondence with Joel Suarez in the left-hand column dated 13 December) Does he also demand the right to barge in on jury deliberations? V. 11.19.2006: Professor Dershowitz alleges that I am in league with a neo-Nazi Brazilian pornographer. In a Jerusalem Post article, he expresses outrage that an article of mine was the “inspiration” for this Brazilian’s bawdy depiction of him. But why this sudden display of shock? It can’t be that I am allegedly in contact with neo-Nazis. This is old news. Already last year Dershowitz compiled a dossier entitled: The Committee to Expose Norman Finkelstein’s Close Connections to Neo-Nazism, Holocaust Denial, and His “Big Lie” of an “International Jewish Conspiracy” It can’t be that this Brazilian’s cartoon is supposedly obscene. Dershowitz has proudly made a career of defending hard-core pornographers, for many years wrote a feature column in Penthouse magazine, and famously defended the right to caricature public figures like himself using salacious images. Can it be that Dershowitz is feigning indignation to evade the moment of truth? “You can run, but you can’t hide” (Joe Louis) IV. 11.16.2006: Desperate to evade the moment of truth, Professor Dershowitz has concocted yet another fantasy. He alleges that Finkelstein plotted with a neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying Brazilian pornographer to defame him. He will only release his letters if Finkelstein “produce[s] all of his communications, both written and oral” with this neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying Brazilian pornographer. (How does one produce oral communications?) For argument’s sake let us indulge Dershowitz’s latest fantasy. But didn’t Dershowitz assert in the Jerusalem Post that he has already released the letters to my publisher, University of California and Governor Schwarzenegger? And, if the letters exonerate Dershowitz of all wrongdoing, wouldn’t he want to release them rather than leave their release hostage to Finkelstein’s whims? What a tangled web we weave,/When first we practice to deceive. (Sir Walter Scott) III. 11.15.2006: Professor Dershowitz elected not to post his form response on his website. The gist of his reply to reader requests for the letters is this: finmkelsteinm (sic) commisioned (sic) hollicast (sic)/hollocaust (sic)/hollicaust (sic) denier latoof (sic) to make a cartoon of me masternbating (sic). Truly I am sheepless — I mean, peachless. II. 11.13.2006: To: Alan Dershowitz 1) Many people have asked you for the correspondence bearing on my book Beyond Chutzpah that you and your lawyers sent to my publisher, the University of California and Governor Schwarzenegger. 2) Your form reply is not only unresponsive to these requests but, regrettably, contains bawdy material inappropriate for my website. 3) I propose that you post your form reply (including the cartoon) on your website and I will create a link to it. 4) Readers can then judge for themselves whether you answered in good faith. |