July 27, 2016
In Blog Events News
Update: Norman Finkelstein will be joining us, presenting a number of sessions, for example on “The Holocaust Industry” and “Israel and Anti-Semitism”
Other confirmed speakers include Hillel Ticktin, Michael Roberts, Yassamine Mather, Chris Knight, Ian Birchall, Bob Arnott, Moshé Machover, Marc Mulholland, Mike Macnair and Jack Conrad.
Timetable and more info to follow soon! To see what CU is all about, check out this video we produced a couple of years back. Videos from previous years are also available online.
We’re in a new venue this year: Westminster University, Harrow House, Watford Road, Northwick Park, Middlesex HA1 3TP. The venue is two minutes’ walk from Northwick Park tube station on the Metropolitan line, a few minutes’ walk from Kenton on the Bakerloo line and overground trains from Euston.
Accommodation limited – book now to avoid disappointment. Please note that we have also a few twin rooms available, which might be of interest to couples, friends of comrades with children.
Reservation fee £30. You can either pay by cheque (BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX), by Paypal on our website or by bank transfer (email tina@cpgb.org.uk for details).
Subject to change – please keep an eye out for updates!
2.00pm: Corbyn and the Labour party
Jack Conrad
4.45pm: Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism
Moshe Machover + Tony Greenstein
10.00am: The history of the Labour Party and the CPGB
Lawrence Parker
2.00pm: Alfred Rosmer’s Lenin’s Moscow and the early Comintern
Ian Birchall
4.45pm: Brexit and the nature of international trade under capitalism
Michael Roberts
10.00pm: Origins of democratic centralism
Ben Lewis
2.00pm: World economy after Brexit
Hillel Ticktin
4.45pm: The new Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust Industry
Norman Finkelstein
10.00am: The future of Palestine
Norman Finkelstein
2.00pm : J.S. Mill’s On Liberty
Noman Finkelstein
4.45pm: The past, present and future of the NHS
Bob Arnott
10.00am: The current transitional period, decline and the laws of both
Hillel Ticktin
2.00pm: The Chilcot report, Iraq and Syria
Yassamine Mather
4.45pm: After the Brexit vote
Mike Macnair
10.00am: Title to be confirmed
Chris Knight, Radical Anthropology Group
2.00pm: Revolution and counter-revolution in Ireland
Kevin Bean
4.45pm: The English Marx: A.D. Lindsay’s Lost Interpretation of Capital?
Marc Mullholland
10.00pm: Media old and new
Paul Demarty
2.00pm: Title to be confirmed
Chris Knight, Radical Anthropology Group
4.45pm : Class power and individual liberty
Mike Macnair
10.00am: Aeroplanes, space systems and the arms industry
Yassamine Mather
1.30 : The fate of 1917
Jack Conrad
4.00 pm: Assessment