
Disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer denies sleeping with Michael Ignatieff while at Harvard Law: "I wouldn't touch such a cheap whore with a barge pole"

January 13, 2009

In News

Statement by Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Official Opposition, on the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip

01.11.2009 |

I am greatly concerned by the deepening violence in Israel and the
Gaza Strip and the fear and suffering on all sides that this mounting
instability has caused.

The Liberal Party of Canada unequivocally condemns the rocket attacks
launched by Hamas against Israeli civilians and calls for an immediate
end to these attacks. We affirm Israel’s right to defend itself
against such attacks, and also its right to exist in peace and

We regret the loss of life sustained on all sides of the conflict. We
call on all parties to end these hostilities, mindful that a durable
ceasefire will be necessary to prevent continued civilian casualties
and lasting damage to essential civilian infrastructure.

The international community has a responsibility to ensure that the
cost of conflict is not borne by the innocent and Canada must stand
ready to assist and ensure that basic humanitarian assistance reaches
those who need it.

Our thoughts are with those in Israel and the Gaza Strip whose lives
are imperiled by the cycle of violence in the region. In the midst of
this crisis, we continue to stand for a peaceful resolution. We firmly
believe that the basis of this peace will be the mutual recognition by
both Israelis and Palestinians of two states, living side by side in
peace and security, with a full resolution of the issue of refugees
and settlements, as well as secure and internationally recognized
borders and boundaries.