March 6, 2009
In News The Israel-Palestine Conflict
Ottawa, March 3, 2009 — The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, today issued the following statement:
“Like many Canadians, I am deeply concerned about the activities associated with ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’.
“Those participating in these events are of course free, within the confines of our law and consistent with our traditions of freedom of expression, to speak their mind.
“But I urge each student who plans on attending or participating in ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ to reflect on whether these activities are beneficial or are simply an effort to cloak hatred and intolerance in an outward appearance of ‘intellectual inquiry’.
“It is disconcerting that university student groups would promote these gatherings in a manner that demonstrates a complete disregard for the safety and security of Jewish students and professors and the general well-being of campus life.
“Recent media reports indicate that police forces have already been investigating on-campus hate crimes leading up to ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’. It deeply saddens me to consider that the divisiveness this event brings has only just begun.
“As Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I call on all Canadians to reject anti-Semitism. All forms of racism, discrimination and intolerance are equally unacceptable and completely contrary to Canada’s fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.”
For further information (media only) on the Minister’s activities, please contact:
Alykhan Velshi
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada