
American Radical on Link TV

November 20, 2010

In News

Special: American Radical


Timezone: P M C E 
Wednesday, November 24th 
09:00 am 
Wednesday, November 24th 
08:30 pm 
Friday, November 26th 
09:00 am 
Friday, November 26th 
04:00 pm 
Saturday, November 27th 
07:30 pm 

Category: Documentaries

American Radical is the probing documentary portrait of American academic and activist Norman Finkelstein. A devoted son of holocaust survivors, ardent critic of Israeli and US Mid-East policies and author of six provocative books–including The Holocaust Industry, Beyond Chutzpah and the soon-to-be-released A Farewell to Israel: The Coming Break-Up of American Zionism, Finkelstein has been at the center of many intractable controversies. Called a lunatic and a self-hating Jew by some and an inspirational, street-fighting revolutionary by others, Finkelstein is a deeply polarizing figure whose struggles arise from core questions about freedom, identity and nationhood. Following him as he presents his message to audiences around the globe, American Radical provides an intimate portrait of the man behind the controversy, giving voice to Finkelstein’s critics as well as his supporters.